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Save your ressources with Matissart innovative molds


The climate emergency requires ambitious actions to respect carbon budgets to limit warming to 1.5°C. MATISSART NORD has initiated its transition by measuring its carbon footprint.

4%/ per year This is the annual objective of reducing relative GHG emissions that Matissart has set for itself until 2050, in order to do its part to aim for carbon neutrality.

  • 3 items represent 84% of emissions: Freight (35%), Inputs & services (35%), as well as Fixed assets (14%),
  • The main actions to be implemented depend on the presence on the market of closer suppliers, or with more virtuous industrial equipment, while remaining economically viable.

To lead this ecological, environmental and social transition :
MATISSART, it is an excellent and safe commercial partner
MATISSART , it is a responsible and contributory company