A general reference framework = our CSR Strategy 2023-2025.
We are now committed to 5 major themes :
- The formalization of a reason for being, a mission and values
- The preservation of the environment
- Respect for people
- Ethics in business
- Responsible Purchasing practices
These commitments are transposed internally (e.g.: Ethics, Supplier and IT Charters, Transition Plan, Strategy in favor of biodiversity).
A call to action = A 2023-2025 plan.
It defines measurable, realistic objectives adapted to the company’s activities. These KPIs will be reviewed and updated on a annual basis, in reference to the relevant Sustainable Development Goals.
Adherence to the Sustainable Development Goals

Of the 17 priorities adopted by the United Nations, we have chosen to prioritize the sustainable development objectives over which we have the most control at our SME level :
- SDG 3 The health and well-being of populations and workers
- SDG 5 Gender equality
- SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
- SDG 9 Promoting innovation and sustainable infrastructure
- SDG 10 Reduction of inequalities
- SDG 12 Responsible production and consumption
- SDG 13 Measures to combat climate change
- SDG 16 Peace, justice and effective institutions
These SDGs, linked to the practices and measures implemented within our company, help us to build the future and to be in a process of continuous improvement. They also convey strong messages.
An ecological and environmental transition included in our methods, our products and our partnership relationships

Matissart, Leading Blow Mold Maker, has initiated its environmental transition by carrying out an assessment of its greenhouse gas emissions (direct and indirect) and by initiating a low-carbon transition approach, thanks to the Diag Décarbon’Action, a system supported by @Bpifrance with @ADEME, @Association Bilan Carbone and @Vizea.
Matissart is committed to environmental performance with the objective of an annual reduction in its relative GHG emissions of 4% until 2050. This will allow the company to respond to the National Low Carbon Strategy and the Paris Agreements on Climate.
Let’s mitigate climate change together !

A ambition for continuous improvement
We are proud to have been awarded a bronze medal by EcoVadis in the first evaluation exercise. This is thanks to the extraordinary mobilization of our teams. MATISSART has adopted sustainable orientations which allow it to adapt to present/future instabilities and to seize the opportunities of tomorrow. MATISSART’s responsibility with regard to its ecosystem is a component of its business project and its identity.
EcoVadis is the global platform for assessing and improving companies’ CSR performance.